“My passion for Yoga came from out of the blue honestly. I had the same Misconception most people do about yoga; that it’s for housewives. Thankfully my best friend Dawn talked me into taking it for a credit in college. My then Yogi Mrs. Budd challenged my entire way of thinking on Yoga. The insight and wisdom she provided on Hatha Yoga peaked my interest. Plus the many uses of Yoga became more clear to me the more I practiced. Before I knew it was 9 years later of practice, I was writing 5 papers and submitting videos to get my certification.”


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Stretches the chest and lungs. Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and spine.

Twisting Lunge

Strengthens the quadriceps and gluteus muscles. Improves digestion and elimination. Stretches the psoas and hips.

Down Dog

Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. Energizes the body. Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands.

Reverse Warrior

Strengthens the legs, opens the side body, improves spinal mobility, and improves balance and core strength.


Builds full-body strength, flexibility, and coordination. It opens the shoulders, chest, and hips, as it stretches and strengthens the thighs, ankles, and abdomen. 

Big Toe Hold

Strengthens the legs and ankles. stretches the backs of the legs, and improves sense of balance.

Warrior 1

Strengthens/Stretches your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back. Opens yours hips, chest and lungs. Improves focus, balance and stability. Encourages good circulation and respiration.